الأبحاث المنشورة


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- Al-Harithy, R.N., and Al-Ghamndi, S.A.“High serum resistin is associated with an increase in adiposity and insulin resistance in type II diabetic Saudi women”. Ann Saudi Med. 25(4): 283-287, 2005.

- Al-Harithy, R.N., AL-Doghaither H.A., Abualnaja K.Leptin and sex hormones: correlation with endocrine changes in Saudi healthy women of different body weights”. Ann Saudi Med. 26 (2), 2006.

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- Al-Harithy, R.N., and  Al-Ghafari, A.B.Resistin in human colon cancer: Increased expression independently of resistin promoter C180G genotype”. SMJ. 31(5):179-184, 2010.

Al-Harithy, R.N., and  Alghazzawi, W.M.Polymorphisms of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair gene XRCC1 and risk of colon cancer in Saudi patients”. IJMMS. 3(9);282-288, 2011.

- Al-Harithy, R.N., and Al-Zahrani, M.H. “The adiponectin gene, ADIPOQ, and genetic susceptibility to colon cancer”. Oncology letter. 3(1);176-180, 2012.

- Al-Harithy, R.N., and Al-Zahrani, N.S. “Leptin receptor rs1137101 variant is risk factor for obesity and type II diabetes in Saudi adult women”. IJMSHC. 1 (7):14-20, 2013.

- Al-Harithy, R. N. "Implication of visfatin levels in patients with colon cancer. American Journal of Research Communication. 1(11):35-44, 2013.

آخر تحديث
11/12/2013 2:30:30 PM